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# | Coin | Price | Marketcap | Volume (24h) | Supply | Change | Last 24h |
Getting started with Bitcoin
Are you new to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies? Read on for some simple guides and resources designed to get you started.
New to Bitcoin?
Browse the Bitcoin beginners’ guides below, and start your journey into the world of cryptocurrency. No matter your current level of knowledge, these guides can get you up to speed on the subjects that matter to you.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a new type of digital money and, just like with all money, you can store it, exchange it, and make payments with it. The key to what makes Bitcoin different from national currencies like the US Dollar, the Euro or the Japanese Yen lies in its decentralized structure and opt-in model. What does that mean?
With centralized ‘fiat money’ (literally money by decree), currency is issued by central banks, and citizens are forced to use the money of their nation. With the exception of cash (which is becoming increasingly rare), transactions are made through intermediaries like banks and payment gateways.
Bitcoin, by contrast, is an opt-in currency that is controlled by the ‘consensus’ or the will of its users. It consists of a growing network of people who voluntarily agree to the rules of the Bitcoin protocol. They use decentralized infrastructure to make transactions on a peer-to-peer basis and to store value independently of any government, company, or financial institution. There’s no need to ask for permission to use Bitcoin, and there’s no risk of being cut off from the system.
Importantly, the system itself is headless and distributed globally, making it both resistant to corruption and extremely durable.

What is Bitcoin mining?
Bitcoin mining, which is the process of ‘minting’ (creating) new bitcoins, is an essential component of the network’s system for arriving at consensus (agreeing to the ‘truth’) without relying on a centralized authority. Mining is also critical for ensuring the security of the network. when you are mining with Growth Affirm LTD you earn more profit and you can withdraw your profit anytime, anywhere,

Start investing safely with the
Everything you need to buy, sell, trade, and invest your Bitcoin and cryptocurrency securely